
we fly to help

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  1. Start to communicate with the HEMS helicopter by the cooperation channel as soon as possible.
  2. Every HEMS team has a unique codename, depending on the base they are stationed in.
  3. During the radio communication, you should call the HEMS team by its codename.
  4. Giving your accurate position will make the waiting time shorter. If you have a GPS on you, give the team your current position.
  5. If the HEMS team doesn’t know the place you’re in, describe your position using clear, characteristic indicative marks (for example: a clearing around 200 m East from a church in village…).
  6. When you see the flying helicopter, inform them about it through a radio, as simply as possible (for example: you’re flying straight at me). Remember to give the directions from the pilot’s point of view.
  7. If you can’t see the helicopter, but you can hear it, inform the team about it through a radio, and if you can correctly tell the direction it’s in, inform them about it too (for example: I hear you South-East from here)
  8. Inform through a radio about the place chosen for landing: ground characteristics, potential obstacles inside and outside landing zone, especially power or telephone lines. There can be no animals present. Inform about other threats, give the direction of wind on the ground.
  9. If the landing place is decided on the road or its side, before the landing shut down the traffic going into both directions. The traffic has to be stopped until the helicopter takes off.
  10. To make identification of the place of the accident easier for the helicopter team, turn on the lights of your police car or ambulance (during both day and night). 
    During the night, light the place of accident in a way that won’t blind the helicopter team (don’t use road lights, don’t point lights on the helicopter!!!).
  11. If the helicopter is landing:
    • remember that the priority should be your safety, as well as that of other people in the landing zone
    • don’t let anybody get close to the expected landing zone (at least 30m from the helicopter), standing in the corner of the assigned place – look if nobody is approaching you
    • protect your eyes from the dust
    • keep radio contact
    • if you see the helicopter getting close to an obstacle or might hurt someone, inform them through a radio (for example: “stop, careful on your left”)
  12. Don’t approad the helicopter and don’t let anybody close even after landing. Wait for the staff to call you. Always inform the helicopter team about other people approaching them, try not to let anybody in into the danger zones.
  13.  Stay in place until the rotors stop.
  14. After the helicopter takes off, stay in place until the helicopter team gives you a confirmation of finishing the starting phase.