
we fly to help

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When should you call a helicopter

  1. HEMS teams (helicopter) should be called in the following situations:
    • time needed for transport by air from the scene/place of call in a state of emergency, to the proper medical facility is shorter than time needed to transport by other means and might be advantageous for further treatment;
    • there are circumstances which might prevent or significantly delay others means of rescue to the victim in the state of emergency (eg.: topography)
    • mass events (sudden threat, for which the need for medical rescue operations exceeds the capabilities of means present at the scene, and there is a need for segregation understood as setting treatment – transport priotities);
    • states of emergency (other than those specified below) requiring urgent care of a medical rescue team;
    • unconscious patient;
    • sudden cardiac arrest;
    • acute cardiological conditions;
    • hypertensive crisis;
    • stroke;
    • traffic accidents;
    • fall from a height;
    • burying, avalanche;
    • polytrauma;
    • head injury requiring urgent neurosurgical intervention;
    • spinal injury with paraplegia, quadriplegia or symptoms lateralization;
    • penetrating trauma to the neck, chest or abdomen;
    • two or more fractures of long bones;
    • severe pelvic injury;
    • traumatic amputation of limbs;
    • II° and IIIº burns that cover more than 20% body surface area burns, suspected respiratory burns, electric burns, explosions and fires;
    • hypothermia;
    • drowning.
  2. There exists a possibility of not completing the rescue mission because of the threats regarding the flight safety, as well as operational and legal limitations